Ultra-Low Quiescent Current, Output Voltage Selectable Function Expanded Lineup of Step-Down DC/DC Converter – XC9276Series

by donpedro

Figure 1: Efficiency Comparison between XC9276 Series and Existing Product

Torex Semiconductor Ltd. (Tokyo Japan: President, Koji Shibamiya, 6616: 1st section at Tokyo Stock Exchange) has launched the XC9276 as a new series of ultra-low quiescent current step-down DC/DC converter.

The XC9276 Series is a 150mA step-down synchronous rectification DC/DC converter which has an output voltage switch-over function with an ultra-low power consumption circuit and a PFM control.

The efficiency performance at a light load current is dramatically improved by implementing ultra-low power consumption circuits which has 200nA consumption current, and PFM control method. (figure 1) Additionally two-preset output voltage switchover function is available with using VSEL pin. (figure 2)

Figure 2: Loss Due to switching of Output Voltage / Battery Life

This function can select an appropriate output voltage based on the MCU behavior mode and contribute a power consumption reduction for a total system. Due to these functions, XC9276 series are suitable for equipment which needs a high efficiency performance at a light load current, and a long-time battery life. XC9276 series are compatible to 2.2uH inductor therefore it can reduce an output ripple voltage which is a negative side of PFM control method, and a PCB board area size.

Torex Semiconductor

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