Digi-Key Corporation, the industry leader in electronic component selection, availability and delivery, has collaborated with Freescale® Semiconductor and ARM to offer

the European engineering community a chance to submit their hardware product innovations. Prototype entries need to be built with one of Freescale’s Freedom line of cost-effective development platforms, using Digi-Key’s complimentary Scheme-it online design software and submitted online at www.eeweb.com/freedomcontest by June 30, 2014.
The industry leaders have come together to foster creativity in online board-level product design, rewarding engineers for creativity, innovation and practicality. Contestants can choose among any of the fourteen Freescale Freedom Development Platforms including the newly created Kinetis® E versions and the Xtrinsic® portfolio of sensors as well as the company’s newly released FRDM-K64F board that was also announced earlier this month at the Freescale Technology Forum in Dallas, Texas. Participants can easily access Digi-Key’s complimentary online design software – Scheme-it – to choose their block-level circuit design. Once approved, contestants can move to the next level where they are required to submit their design prototype overview along with an image or video. Participants must use the Freescale Freedom board for their product design although they may choose to use their own board or they can purchase one from digikey.com. Although only one board is required, bonus points will be awarded for use of multiple Freescale devices in the design. Convergence Promotions, the leader in ARM core-based programs, Aspen Labs, the designer of Scheme-it, and EEWeb, a leading online electrical engineering community are collaborating to produce the Freedom Design Contest. The contest is limited to entries submitted from EMEA-based engineers. The initial block designs must be submitted via Digi-Key’s Scheme-It online design tool by June 30. Then, the next-level prototypes are due September 15. Prizes will be awarded at every stage of the contest, giving the engineers the ability to participate as time permits. A team of engineering and product design experts from all three companies will judge the submissions, announcing the final prizewinners at Electronica in Munich, Germany on November 11, 2014. For more information about the contest, visit the Freedom Design Contest page on EEWeb.