Farnell element14 now stocking key range of Nordic Semiconductor wireless devices
IndustriesIoTIoT applicationsWireless
Smart homes and cities lack disruptive wearable technology solutions
by donpedroSmartphones do not provide the disruptive technology developments needed to enable intuitive and prolonged interaction …
IndustriesIoTIoT applicationsProducersSilicon LabsWireless
Newly Released Mesh Network Performance Results from Silicon Labs Clarify IoT Connectivity Options
by donpedroComprehensive Testing of Zigbee®, Thread and Bluetooth® Mesh Software Compares Throughput, Latency and Network Scalability
IndustriesTest & Equipment
Farnell element14 presents the new 6½ digit Keithley DMM6500 for exclusive pre-order
by donpedroDigital Multimeter offers 5 inch touchscreen display, 1Msample/s digitizing as standard, 7M reading internal memory …
IndustriesInfineonPower applicationsPower devicesProducersWirelessWürth Elektronik
Combining wireless power and data transmission
by donpedroWürth Elektronik eiSos and Infineon present wireless power development system 200-W-WPT
IndustriesIoTIoT applicationsProducersu-bloxWireless
Aerosense develops surveying solution with drone using u-blox high performance positioning technology
by donpedrou-blox, a global leader in wireless and positioning technologies, announced today that Japan-based Aerosense Inc. …
IndustriesLightingonsemiPower devicesPower modulesProducers
New high efficiency controller solutions for LED lighting applications from ON Semiconductor
by donpedroConstant current and constant voltage IC solution allows precise wide range dimming in modern LED …
Embedded ComputingEmbedded SystemsIndustriesIoTIoT applicationsWireless
Small and secure RF modules for embedded applications
by donpedroAcknowledged as the UK’s leading source of advanced embedded technology, Solid State Supplies Ltd. now …
IndustriesIoTIoT applicationsProducersQuectelWireless
Comet Electronics Romania: Quectel’s Smart Module Leads POS Industry Revolution and Helps Traditional Storekeepers Move ahead towards the “New Retail” Era
by donpedroAlibaba Group’s co-founder and chief executive in e-commerce, Jack Ma, noted: “The era of e-commerce …