MSC will offer the new products in the RZ/A1 Group of ARM® Cortex™-A9 embedded microprocessors …
Embedded Systems
High CPU computing performance, low power consumption and even more peripheral functionality
by donpedroIn addition to Fujitsu’s FM3 microcontroller (MCU) family, MSC will offer Fujitsu’s new FM4 family …
Embedded ComputingEmbedded Systems
DeepCover Secure Authenticator from Maxim Protects Designs with Strong Public-Key Cryptography
by donpedroMaxim Integrated Products, Inc. announced that it is now sampling the DS28E35 DeepCover® Secure Authenticator, …
Embedded ComputingEmbedded Systems
Kontron’s new VPX graphics card with AMD Embedded Radeon processor for GPGPU applications in avionics and military technology
by donpedroKontron introduced the VX3327, a new 3U VPX graphics card with AMD Embedded Radeon E6760 …
Embedded ComputingEmbedded Systems
Microchip makes real-time power monitoring and code optimisation affordable for portable, power supply, motor control and meter designs
by donpedroMicrochip announces the MPLAB® REAL ICE™ Power Monitor Module, which enables designers to identify and …
Embedded ComputingEmbedded Systems
Kontron StarVX HPEC system brings supercomputing datacenter bandwidth and performance directly to the battlefield
by donpedroKontron’s StarVX High Performance Embedded Computer (HPEC) system brings supercomputing I/O bandwidth and performance, previously …
Embedded ComputingEmbedded Systems
Cost-Efficient COM Express™ Type 6 Modules with Celeron CPUs
by donpedroMSC Vertriebs GmbH has expanded its high-end MSC C6B-7S COM Express™ Type 6 module family …
Amplicon have announced the release of the new EDS-405A/408A-PN Industrial grade, PROFINET enabled, managed Ethernet …
Embedded ComputingEmbedded Systems
Box PC with AMD G-Series APU for Data-Intensive Industrial Applications
by donpedroMEN presents another member of their family of modular box and panel PCs. Offering a …
Silicon Labs Speeds DSP Smart Sensor System Design with Wonder Gecko MCU Development Kits
by donpedroSilicon Labs introduced development kits and application software demonstrations for the EFM32 Wonder Gecko microcontroller …