It is no secret that building an efficient small and medium sized electronics production is …
Infineon’s SECORA™ ID X drives introduction of contactless multi-application ID solutions based on JAVA Card™
by donpedroInfineon Technologies AG (FSE: IFX / OTCQX: IFNNY) extends its easy-to-integrate security solutions for contactless …
Infineon introduces reliable and optimized Wi-Fi 4 solution with next generation WPA3 Security
by donpedroInfineon Technologies AG (FSE: IFX / OTCQX: IFNNY) has expanded its portfolio of cost-effective, high …
ActuatorsIO-LinkIoTMaxim IntegratedProducersProducts
Boost Factory Productivity with Industry’s Smallest, Lowest-Power Intelligent Actuator by Maxim Integrated
by donpedroPD42-1-1243-IOLINK intelligent actuator reduces power by more than 50 percent and drive size by 2.6x, …
IoTIoT applicationsMaxim IntegratedPower devicesPower modulesProducers
Industry’s Smallest Quad-Output SIMO Power Management IC by Maxim Integrated Achieves 85 Percent Higher Power Density
by donpedroMAX77655 provides highest number of output channels and cuts solution size by 70 percent for …
IndustriesIoTIoT applicationsWireless
Enabling IoT Innovations: iVativ Inc. and Rutronik enter into a global distributor agreement
by donpedroiVativ Inc., a leader in enabling wireless IoT solutions, and Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH announce …
CybersecurityIoTMicrochip TechnologyProducers
First Cryptographic Companion Device Brings Pre-programmed Security to the Automotive Market
by donpedroMicrochip’s new TrustAnchor device provides OEMs and their module suppliers with a simplified path to …
Artificial intelligenceEmbedded SystemsHMIProducersProductsRenesasSoC / SiP / SoM / SBC
Renesas Introduces Scalable AI SMARC SoM Winning Combination Solution for Accelerating Time to Market of HMI and Embedded Vision Systems
by donpedroReference Design with SMARC 2.0 Form Factor Offers Choice of Three RZ/G2 MPUs for Scalable …