Low cost, ultra-high speed 12-bit D/A converter suits high reliability military applications

by donpedro

DATEL, a business unit of Murata Power Solutions, announced the DAC-12100 series of low power 12-bit current output digital to analogue converters that have TTL/CMOS compatible inputs. With a 100 MHz conversion rate, these ultra-high speed devices suit any speed critical applications such as radar, signal reconstruction, waveform generators and communications equipment. With an extremely low glitch energy characteristic of 3.0pV-s
compared to the industry norm of 100pV-s, the DAC-12100 generates very little switching noise. The complementary current outputs of 0 to -20.48mA can directly drive 50ohm loads. Dynamic performance, to Nyquist at fOUT of 2.02MHz, provides a spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) specification of – 85dB.
The converter uses a R/2R resistor network and a segmented switching current cell arrangement in order to reduce glitch energy. Employing laser trimming of the resistor network ensures the device achieves its 12-bit linearity to within 0.5 LSB across the transfer curve. The DAC-12100 is available in a hermetically sealed 28-pin CLCC solder dipped leads package measuring 11.43 × 11.43 mm (0.45 × 0.45 inches).


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