Altus Introduces Innovative Systems for Personnel Safety

by donpedro

The safety of personnel is of the upmost importance in these challenging times. To help its customers find solutions to protect employees and visitors, Altus Group, a leading distributor of capital equipment, has introduced a new and innovative access control system which automatically measures body temperature when staff pass through it.

The portal uses infrared technology to detect temperature. As soon as a body temperature above an adjustable limit value is measured, an alarm is triggered. Joe Booth, Altus Director – Business Development and Marketing explains: “It is extremely important to implement preventative measures to stop the spread of Covid-19. We understand that temperature screening is an important tool in limiting the spread of the virus. This new system remotely and automatically checks for increased body temperature.

“It is vital in these unprecedented times to take any steps we can to prevent the spread of the disease. We hope that adding this new access control system to our portfolio will give our customers the opportunity to implement an extra preventative step in the safety of their staff and visitors.”

The high-precision system detects body temperature measurement in less than 0.5 seconds to an accuracy of ±0.3°C. When temperature is above the inputted figure an audible and visual alarm is triggered.
The modular design makes it easy to install and operate and it can be further utilised by extending with security equipment including a metal detector, turnstile barrier, fingerprint sensor; camera surveillance and card reader.

Altus Group

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