Power Integrations announced its newest member of the ChiPhy™ charger-interface IC family CHY103D, the first IC for off-line AC-DC chargers compatible with the Quick Charge (QC) 3.0 protocol from Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Inc.
Used alongside Power Integrations’ InnoSwitch™ AC-DC switcher ICs, the CHY103D device incorporates all of the functions needed to support QC 3.0. The QC 3.0 protocol implemented in the CHY103D device substantially reduces losses in the smart mobile device handset during rapid charging. This permits system designers to choose to charge handsets faster or reduce phone touch-temperature during charging, and enhances the efficiency of the charging process.
The IC improves charging efficiency and reduces heat dissipation by enabling voltage changes in 200 mV increments instead of the larger steps (e.g., from 5 volts to 9 or 12 volts) employed in many current rapid-charging designs. This technique allows the mobile device to optimize the supply voltage from the offline charger, minimizing losses in the phone’s internal charge-management system.
CHY103D includes a wealth of protection features including Adaptive Output Overvoltage Protection (AOVP), which prevents the output from exceeding 120% of the set output voltage, Output Soft Short-circuit Protection (OSSP), which detects partial shorts and stops power delivery to prevent overheating of cable and connector, and a Remote Shutdown Protection (RESP) feature which enables the powered device to shut the adapter off remotely if a fault is detected.
The CHY103D device itself consumes less than 1 mW at 5 V output; in combination with highly efficient InnoSwitch devices, this low power consumption aids designers in complying with stringent efficiency requirements for chargers, such as the upcoming revision to U.S. federal standards for external power supplies.
Power Integrations