Mouser Electronics, Inc., the New Product Introduction (NPI) leader™ empowering innovation, announces a global distribution …
IndustriesIoTIoT applicationsWireless
Out of the cloud trap and into a new business model
by donpedro“America First” was a favorite political slogan of the last US President. And it certainly …
IndustriesIndustry 4.0ProducersProductsSensorsWirelessWürth Elektronik
Radio Modules, Sensors and Tips for the IIoT
by donpedroWürth Elektronik published its Wireless Connectivity & Sensors Product Guide
IndustriesIoTIoT applicationsPanasonicProducersWireless
Performance at minimum space: Panasonic‘s Wi-Fi Modul PAN9520 in the Rutronik Wireless portfolio
by donpedroThe Panasonic PAN9520 is a 2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g/n embedded Wi-Fi module based on Espressif’s …
Anritsu CorporationIndustriesProducersTest & EquipmentWireless
Getting the best from Wi-Fi 6
by donpedroThe latest version of the WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) is Wi-Fi 6, the sixth …
DesignEmbedded SystemsIndustriesIoTIoT applicationsNordic SemiconductorProducersSoC / SiP / SoM / SBCWireless
Easy handling for complex applications: Prototyping platform Nordic Thingy:53 at Rutronik
by donpedroBased on Nordic’s nRF5340 Dual-Core Arm® Cortex® M-33 multiprotocol system-on-chip (SoC), Thingy:53 features the nPM1100 …
IndustriesIoTProducersRFWirelessWürth Elektronik
Electrically small dual-band antenna with great performance
by donpedroWürth Elektronik expands its WE-MCA range of chip antennas
IndustriesIoTIoT applicationsProducersRFu-bloxWireless
u-blox announces best-in-class, low-power multi-GNSS module with built-in antenna
by donpedroThe SAM-M10Q antenna module makes integrating advanced low-power global navigation satellite system (GNSS) technology into …
IndustriesIoTIoT applicationsNestwaveProducersRenesasWireless
Nestwave Announces that Renesas has Adopted its IoT Geolocation Technology for Forthcoming LTE-M/NB-IoT Module
by donpedroNestwave NestCore™ GNSS IP solution drives down power consumption and component count in Renesas module …
AntenovaIndustriesIoTIoT applicationsProducersRFWireless
Antenova’s compact low-power GNSS receiver module to extend runtime by 500%
by donpedroAntenova Ltd, the UK-based manufacturer of antennas and RF modules for M2M and the IoT, …