Anritsu Corporation (President Hirokazu Hamada) and CIG Photonics (CIG) are jointly demonstrating an 800G optical …
Anritsu CorporationIndustriesProducersTest & EquipmentWireless
Anritsu Company Introduces Multi-functional Spectrum Analyzer that Combines Nine Instruments in a Single Package
by donpedroField Master™ MS2080A Brings Unprecedented Performance and Measurement Capability to Interference Hunting and 5G/LTE Network …
Embedded SystemsIndustriesNordic SemiconductorProducersProductsSoC / SiP / SoM / SBCWearablesWireless
Farnell is now stocking Nordic Semiconductor’s latest power management chip
by donpedroNordic Semiconductor’s new nPM1100 PMIC for advanced wearable wireless products offers a higher efficiency-to-size ratio …
IndustriesInfineonIoTIoT applicationsProducersProductsSensorsWireless
Infineon launches XENSIV™ connected sensor kit, a new IoT sensors platform
by donpedroIoT ecosystems and connected devices enable new service offerings and peripheral services to be bought …
IndustriesIoTIoT applicationsLoRa AllianceProducersWireless
LoRa Alliance® Announces New LoRaWAN® Payload Codec API Feature that Accelerates Device Onboarding to Enable Massive IoT
by donpedroRelease of a standards-based Payload Codec API simplifies ease of deployment to drive scale
Anritsu CorporationHMIIndustriesIndustry 4.0ProducersProductsTest & EquipmentWireless
Anritsu ShockLine™ Modular 2-port VNA Solves Test Challenge Posed by e2ip 5G Smart Surfaces
by donpedroUnique ME7868A Design Allows for Accurate Magnitude and Phase Measurements on Innovative 5G Signal Distribution …
32-bit MCUsIndustriesIoTIoT applicationsMicrochip TechnologyMicrocontrollersProducersWireless
New Arm®-Based PIC® Microcontrollers Create an Easier Way to Add Bluetooth® Low Energy Connectivity
by donpedroPIC32CX-BZ2 MCU family includes built-in Bluetooth Low Energy and other wireless functionality with premium analog …
AMD XilinxDesignDevelopment boardsEmbedded SystemsIndustriesIoTIoT applicationsMicrochip TechnologyProducersProductsSoC / SiP / SoM / SBCWearablesWireless
Kickstart Product Design with Mouser’s Resources for Development Kits and Engineering Tools
by donpedroMouser Electronics, Inc., the New Product Introduction (NPI) leader™ empowering innovation, provides a wealth of …