Intersil Corporation introduced the ISL75052SEH, a radiation hardened, single output LDO specified for an output current of up to 1.5A. Designed for aerospace and satellite power applications, the ISL75052 is the industry’s only SMD-approved LDO that is single event transient (SET) immune. It is high/low dose rate immune via wafer-by-wafer acceptance testing up to 100krad (Si) and 50krad (Si), respectively. Operating from an input voltage range of 4.0V to 13.2V (14.7V absolute maximum in-beam), the ISL750 52SEH provides output voltages of 0.6V to 12.7V. Output voltage is adjustable based on an external resistor divider setting. Typical dropout voltage performance is 225mV at 1.5A, maximizing efficiency. The device’s wide input voltage range of 4V to 13.2V allows designers to operate the part over a wide input voltage range, such as 12V, 5V or any in-between voltages. Output voltage accuracy of ± 2 percent over radiation and over the military temperature range improves point-of-load (POL) input accuracy tolerance over varying AC/DC application conditions.