EP&Dee is offering its readers the chance to win a PICDEM FS-USB Demo Kit and MPLAB ICD3 In Circuit Debugger.
The PICDEM FS-USB (DM163025-1) is a demonstration board for the PIC18F2x/4xK50 family of USB MCUs. These devices support full-speed USB communication without the need for an external crystal, which allows significant cost savings and reduced design effort. The demo kit provides all of the hardware needed to demonstrate and develop a complete USB communication solution.
The microcontroller for the PICDEM FS USB board DM163025-1 is the PIC18F45K50, the superset (largest memory and pin count) device of the PIC18(L)F2X/45K50 family. These devices implement power-saving nanoWatt Technology, Enhanced Flash program memory, and feature USB modules with the following:
• USB 2.0 compliance
• Full-speed (12 Mbit/s) and low-speed (1.5 Mbit/s) operation
• Support of control, interrupt, bulk and isochronous transfers
• Support of up to 32 endpoints
• 1 Kbyte of dual access RAM for USB
• On-chip features for a true single chip USB implementation, including
– USB transceiver
– USB voltage regulator
– USB pull-up resistors
Microchip are also giving away an MPLAB ICD3 In Circuit Debugger to use with the PICDEM FS-USB Demo Board. For the chance to win these development kits, please log onto www.microchip-comps.com/epdee-fsusb