New tantalum office CD from AVX details complete range of tantalum and niobium oxide capacitors

by donpedro

AVX Corporation, a leading manufacturer of advanced passive components and interconnect solutions, has created a new CD detailing its tantalum and niobium oxide capacitors which will help designers access information more easily and select the correct capacitor for their applications. The interactive and user friendly CD, called The AVX Tantalum Office, has been issued by AVX Corporation to bring wide range of information not only to industry professionals but also to be used as an educational tool by students and the general public.
Featuring a 3D animated character called Mr OxiCap, users can quickly and easily find what they are searching for and have fun at the same time. The CD contains product offerings, technical papers and market specifications or requirements, as well as presentations, teardown reports and information on the latest software tools.
Designed as a walkthrough guide, Mr. OxiCap welcomes users in a reception area and takes them though to a virtual conference room, where there’s an explanation about what a tantalum capacitor is and information about its structure and how it is manufactured. In the laboratory area, users are encouraged to explore tantalum uses and applications. Finally, in the library, there’s more information about current and future product offerings from AVX.

“Our aim has been always to be easy to work with, but at the same time to be supportive, educational and useful. I am pleased about the creative approach that we have developed for the CD, offering engineering knowledge in a “play & explore” format, combined with a practical approach which provides key information in minimum clicks. I hope users of the Tantalum Office CD enjoy this unique type of electronic product catalogue.” said Tomas Zednicek, AVX Tantalum Technical Marketing Manager.

AVX Corporation

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