MSC Technologies provides first Car2X transceiver module from lesswire for intelligent transport systems

by donpedro

MSC Technologies is introducing the first Car2X transceiver module from lesswire called WiBear ITS. The wireless module allows the easy development of electronics for

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Roadside Units (RSU).
The WiBear ITS module based on NXP’s Roadlink SAF5100 chipset supports the standards IEEE802.11p and ETSI ITS G5 as well as the WLAN standard IEEE 802.11a/n. The module uses the frequencies reserved for Car2X applications in the 5.9GHz band for use in Europe and North America.
With a range of over one kilometer, the Car2X module can transmit and receive simultaneously on two channels. Two receive and two transmit sections, dual sections operation by two independent frequency synthesizers, so different incoming and outgoing information can be transmitted in parallel. With an Tx Output power of +25dBm up to 1km radio range can be achieved.
The WiBear ITS is fulfilling the high requirements of the automotive industry and can be used both in vehicles as well as in traffic infrastructure systems. Especially the extended temperature range of -40°C to +85°C is fitting to infrastructure applications which are located in an outdoor environment.
Today, the ITS module is based on a dual chip design with a size of 35 x 35mm. A future single chip version is planned.

MSC Technologies

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