Melexis introduces a new, fully programmable, extremely compact sensor IC capable of accurately measuring changes in magnetic flux density along its X, Y and Z axes.

Based on the company’s proprietary Triaxis® technology, the MLX90393 provides almost unlimited scope with which all manner of human machine interface implementations can be accomplished – from joystick, slide switches, push/pull switches, levelers, linear swipe switches and rotary knobs, right through to complex 3D position sensing systems. Suitable for micropower applications, the IC draws just 2.5µA of current when idle. It employs a monolithic pixel cell arrangement and has a 16-bit resolution output. Using its SPI and I2C interfaces, engineers can access the MLX90393’s various operating modes; continuous; single measurement; wake up on change and burst mode. In addition, the device’s settings can be adjusted at runtime as required by the application needs. The burst mode duty cycle programmable range spans between 0.1% and 100%. By having it higher, fast response time applications can be served. Conversely, by having a lower duty cycle the current consumption can be curbed at supply voltages as low as 2.2V.