Breakout Boards make Hardware Evaluation Quick and Easy

by donpedro

MSC is introducing three new low-cost I/O breakout boards: the MachXO™ 2280 Breakout Board, the ispMACH® 4256ZE Breakout Board, and the Power Manager II POWR1014A Breakout Board. The Lattice Breakout Board Evaluation Kits offer a convenient way to conduct hardware evaluations by providing easy access to densely-spaced PLD I/Os. For example, the center-to-center spacing of the package balls of the LCMXO2280 256-ball BGA device of the MachXO2280 Breakout Board are only 1.00 mm BSC (Basic Spacing between Spacing).
Electrical traces of the Breakout Board connect each I/O to header landings that have 2.54mm (100mil/0.1 inch) centered holes. By adding test probes, jumper wires, or pin headers to the header landings, engineers can easily evaluate the MachXO sysIO™ buffer, ispMACH 4000ZE I/O cells, or POWR1014A voltage monitors, high-voltage FET drivers, and open drain outputs.
Each Breakout Board is a 3” x 3” form factor and features a USB B-mini connector for power and programming, an LED array, and prototype area.
All Lattice Breakout Boards provide an easy-to-use platform for evaluating and designing with the MachXO 2280 PLD, ispMACH 4256ZE CPLD, or the POWR1014A Power Manager II.

MSC Vertriebs GmbH

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