Win a Microchip PICDEM Lab II Development Platform!

by donpedro

Microchip_Concurs_EA0116_PICDEM-Lab-II-Development-PlatformThe board is a development and teaching platform for use with 8-bit PIC® microcontrollers (MCUs). At its center, a large prototyping breadboard enables users to easily experiment with different values and configurations of analog components for system optimization. Several external connectors allow for user-customizable expansion, while our library of labs and application notes enrich the development experience. The PICDEM Lab II Development Board is also fully compatible with our latest software development environment.

• Supports all 8-bit PIC MCUs from 6 to 40 pins
• Programming headers and power connections for all MCU sockets
• Three individual power supplies
• 5V, 3.3V, variable (1.5-4.5V)
• Large breadboard area for external analog and sensor connections
• External connections for industry-standard communications and expansion interfaces
• Lab hardware and documentation for four labs included in the box
• RS232 and Bluetooth® Low Energy interfaces
The original PICDEM Lab Development Board has remained one of the most popular development tools for PIC MCUs since its introduction. Microchip has taken this concept and expanded it for 21st century embedded development. The PICDEM Lab II Development Board supports any 8-bit PIC microcontroller (6-, 8-, 14-, 18-, 20-, 28- and 40-pin footprints), and provides an expansive array of connections for programming, I/O, analog and communications interfaces. The PICDEM Lab II Development Board will be a valuable resource to engineers across a broad spectrum of specialties, from analog designers looking to explore the power and flexibility of MCU-based systems to engineering professors seeking a flexible and relevant teaching tool that they can add to their curricula.

For your chance to win a Microchip PICDEM Lab II Development Board, visit and enter your details in the online entry form.

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