1. Flexible in distance, highly accurate in positioning
• All sorts of shuttle cars, rail guided systems, skids etc.
• Machine builder and enduser of those systems can be found in different branches like intralogistic, packaging, material handling, paper or currugated manufacturers, galvanic systems, production of white goods, beverage distribution, plant builder for wood and furniture production and much more
• Pls. compare overview of branches and applications
Ambient temperature: heat able variants for deep-freeze areas.

2. Fast throughput at high availability.
• All sorts of stacker cranes, for mini loads and heavy working loads. Container, boxes, pallettes, long material, sheet metal, bars, etc.
• Positioning in x and y direction
Ambient temperature: heat able variants for deep-freeze areas
• High-End Optic
– 0.2m to 300m distance, without interferences and distortion.
– Reliable and stable measurement results.
• High Speed Signal processing
– Highest dynamic and accuracy over the complete range of 300m.
– Makes the process control easy and accurat without additional components.
• All common fieldbusses and industrial Ethernet protocols
– Future oriented device, easily to adapt on all common interfaces.
– In respect of Profibus and SSI, both Interfaces are available parallel at the same time.
– This may save additional interface cards etc.
• Integrated two port Switch
– Allows networking in line topology; saves components, cabling and installation time
• Speed measurement and setting thresholds
– Parallel to the position, the AMS 300i can evaluate the speed.
– Thresholdes can be set to control different situations.
– No need to do this with PLC or additional equipment
• Onliest device tested by the federal buero of phsics and technics
– All units are measured and adjsuted according the homologated test device.
– This allows e.g. exchange of two units without any readjustment of the positions.
– This is a big benefit in case of urgency
O’BOYLE s.r.l.
Tel.: +4 (0) 256-201346