Schneider & Koch continues to expand its test-system portfolio for LED testing

by donpedro

High-voltage testing is used to inspect the insulation and voltage stability of assemblies. Here, voltages that normally affect the specimen only in cases involving disruptions, faults, or exceptional external influences are applied to it. With the high-voltage test, such things as deteriorating insulation properties, as well as processing faults such as damaged insulation, can be determined in serial production. These tests are part of national and international safety standards and take the highest priority as part of electrical safety inspections. The high-voltage test is generally done both with DC and with AC and is only necessary with LED-populated circuit boards the undersides of which consist of metal. A leakage current flows between the voltage-bearing components and the circuit board’s metal underside during testing. A minimum distance between the voltage-bearing components and the test specimen’s metal base can be assumed should no flash-over occur.

“We delivered already the first HV testers”, explains Ronald Block, CEO of Schneider & Koch. “The customer can now test the full length of the entire strip in one test step”, amplifies Block. With the HV tester, contact is accomplished via needle contacts on the circuit board’s upper side. The printed circuit board is contacted on the underside using a surface contact. Schneider & Koch thus offers an economical, flexible, and universal adapter system.

The HV tester is in obtainable in two sizes. The standard design enables boards of up to 1000 mm to be tested. The system can also be optionally expanded to the longboard length of 1500 mm. The overall machine length is 2000 mm in this case. The system is obtainable as an in-line system and can be integrated into any assembly line via SMEMA interfaces.

“With our LaserVision LED, and the now developed HV tester, we can offer our customers an extensive test portfolio for testing LED strips efficiently and fully automatically. With these two systems, we cover AOI testing, electrical testing of the components, the LED function test, and the high-voltage test. Our customers thus obtain the most important test results from a single source and can store them for traceability”, says Block.

Interested parties can obtain more information about the HV tester at productronica 2017 in Munich. Schneider & Koch is presenting its test systems in Hall A1, Stand 269.


Prüftechnik Schneider & Koch Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH   |

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