Model 40/42-739 has a differential bandwidth of 450 MHz; available in single or dual 4:1, …
Pickering Interfaces
IndustriesPickering InterfacesProducersTest & Equipment
Pickering Interfaces launches industry’s highest bandwidth general purpose PXI matrix
by donpedroOffering bandwidths up to 70MHz and high switching capacity
IndustriesPickering InterfacesProducersTest & Equipment
Two New Gen 3 PXI Express (PXIe) Chassis from Pickering Interfaces Ensure Maximum PXI Application Flexibility
by donpedroAll hybrid, high-performance and low-cost for a broad range of applications
Electromechanical & networking switchesPickering InterfacesProducersProducts
Pickering Electronics signs with Wiselink in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand
by donpedroLeading reed relay products supported by distributor partner ‘dedicated to excellence and customer satisfaction
IndustriesPickering InterfacesProducersTest & Equipment
Pickering Interfaces announces Partner Program with System Integrators to collaboratively optimize customer test solutions
by donpedroFormalized relationship with experienced professional partners will expedite efficient test solutions and improve customer experience
IndustriesPickering InterfacesProducersTest & Equipment
Versatile LVDT/RVDT/Resolver Simulator Module from Pickering Interfaces occupies just one PXI slot
by donpedroMultiple functionalities increase test flexibility; reduce cost
IndustriesPickering InterfacesProducersTest & Equipment
Pickering Interfaces launches turnkey LXI microwave switch and signal routing subsystem service
by donpedroFast turnaround, cost-effective multiplexer, matrix and complex routing solutions, ready-to-use out of the box