Plessey uses its EPIC sensor technology to create a heart monitor in a wristwatch

by donpedro

Plessey Semiconductors has designed a heart rate monitor demonstration using its award-winning EPIC™ sensor technology, which is the same size as a wristwatch and does not require a chest strap or second sensor at the end of a cable that could be easily lost or damaged. This reference design shows that simple and effective personal monitoring of electrocardiograph (ECG) signals can be as easy as taking a pulse measurement. The device straps to the wrist with a sensor electrode on the rear of the device in permanent contact with the wrist and the second electrode is on the front of the device. Touching this top electrode with a finger from the opposite hand enables the device to collect the heart signals.
Plessey has also designed a version to provide continuous heart monitoring. This device straps to the upper arm and has two contacts on the inside of the strap. These are positioned such that the electrical cardiac signals are out of phase to give a strong differential signal to noise ratio so that unwanted noise artefacts from other muscles can be easily filtered out to give a detailed ECG trace. Such a device would enable patients to be monitored as they go about their daily routine and detect transient issues that would probably be missed during a short period of monitoring with the conventional seven electrodes and gel approach.

Plessey Semiconductors

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