Panasonic Industry Europe introduces a new Mediapool featuring product pictures, videos, catalogues and leaflets

by donpedro

Panasonic Industry Europe launched an extensive and easy-to-use platform that provides access to a variety of assets. Not only product pictures, dimensional drawings and videos can be found there but also product documentation like handbooks, catalogues and leaflets are available.

The Panasonic Industry Mediapool for professionals provides a very fast and easy navigation to assure quick access to all relevant assets.

Various media formats like pictures in high- or low-resolution, videos or PDF-documents can be selected.
Thousands of files are already available for download. A registration is not necessary to ensure fast access.

Currently assets in 16 different categories like capacitors, semiconductors, optical devices, relays or industrial batteries are available. Further pictures and information of the wide variety of products and solutions of Panasonic Industry Europe will be implemented in the Mediapool successively.

Please find a short video about the Panasonic Industry Mediapool here.

The Panasonic Industry Mediapool for professionals can be found here.

Panasonic Industry Europe

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