Optimization of existing selective soldering processes, such as the combination of dispensing and thermode soldering processes.
Modern automation concepts from Eutect optimize existing soldering and tinning processes, offering companies in demanding industries, such as rail technology or green energy manufacturing, decisive advantages in terms of quality, cost reduction, efficiency and sustainability.
“Companies that require the highest quality and efficiency benefit from our modern automation concepts for optimizing existing selective soldering and tinning processes. Manufacturers that have been producing products such as film capacitors or relays for rail technology for decades are increasingly looking for efficient, cycle-time-optimized and cost-reducing automation concepts We are noticing this quite clearly from the inquiries we are receiving,” says Matthias Fehrenbach, CEO of Eutect GmbH. Lars Iwers, marketing and sales representative at Eutect GmbH, adds: ‘Our innovative automation solutions, coupled with our unique soldering process technology, ensure reproducible results, cost reduction and process stability, making them an ideal solution for industries such as rail technology and green energy.’
The goal of Eutect’s automation solutions is very clear: to increase product quality while simultaneously reducing costs. In the area of selective soldering, the reconstruction of existing automation solutions not only increases product quality, but also significantly reduces manufacturing costs. Eutect’s automated soldering systems guarantee consistent results, since essential process parameters such as temperature, process time and material usage can be controlled precisely. “This eliminates sources of error that can arise during manual processing or when using outdated systems,” Iwers continues. Especially in rail technology and green energy, precise and durable soldered joints are of crucial importance. “Thanks to modern automation concepts, the stability, electrical conductivity and lifespan of our customers’ end products have increased significantly. Eutect has continuously developed its own soldering processes to improve efficiency and reliability. These advancements are particularly relevant in industries where products must function properly for decades,” says Iwers, who is currently processing a wide range of inquiries from these industries.
Modern automation also allows for higher production speeds, which means that peaks in demand from end customers can be handled at any time. Eutect’s automated soldering systems work considerably faster than manual or outdated soldering systems. The Eutect technical center determines possible cycle times through preliminary evaluations, allowing customers to plan with security. More efficient cycle times, a high degree of automation and parallel processes increase throughput while minimizing unplanned downtime.
In addition, resource efficiency and sustainability are high on the agenda among the enquiring manufacturing companies. Eutect’s modern machine concepts are not only energy-efficient but also minimize material losses. Eutect’s soldering process modules require minimal service and maintenance time, which in turn increases uptime, availability and process reliability. These Eutect-specific factors also ensure lower operating costs over the entire service life.
“Eutect’s automated soldering systems offer excellent process stability and a high degree of reproducibility,” emphasizes Iwers. Thanks to seamless monitoring and process control, deviations can be detected and corrected immediately. This is a decisive advantage when scaling production and adapting to new requirements. Thanks to the option of comprehensive process documentation, Eutect’s selective soldering machines also meet the highest standards in terms of traceability and quality assurance. “With our modern solutions, our customers can sustainably increase their competitiveness. Higher efficiency, lower costs and consistently high product quality enable them to succeed in the global market. At the same time, the solutions set new standards in the areas of sustainability and process reliability,” adds Fehrenbach.