Mdina Media is a Scala platform partner and embedded partner of AMD Embedded Europe supplying embedded hardware, software and related services in the field of Embedded information display systems for professional and consumer markets. The company offers tailor-made embedded systems, designed for innovative, robust, cost-effective and hasslefree solutions. These solutions target a broad range of applications within the field of public information displays, for use in industrial and production environments, health care, hotels, airports, public transport, security, retail stores, public transport. Mdina Media’s products are based on the new AMD Embedded G-Series platform. The AMD Embedded G-Series is the first one to integrate the new Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) that merges the computing capabilities of x86 technology with the parallel computing power of a general-purpose graphics processing unit in a single computing unit. This has enabled Mdina Media to develop low-power SFF applications that had previously only been possible with high-performance multi-core designs found in high-end workstations. Not only do these new solutions include a single- or dual-core AMD 64 processor, the highly
integrated APU incorporates a powerful DirectX®11-capable discrete-level graphics and
parallel processing engine.
Mdina Media B.V.