At TRUSTECH 2017 in Cannes, France (November 28-30, 2017), Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (NASDAQ: MXIM) will demonstrate new turnkey technologies that protect embedded and connected systems from invasive attacks. As cyberattacks continue making headlines, design engineers struggle to safeguard their products while meeting stringent time-to-market and budget constraints. Meanwhile, safety standard certification costs continue to rise. Maxim’s embedded security solutions help address safety requirements without putting a drain on the bottom line.
Maxim will provide technology demonstrations in the following areas:
- DS28E38 DeepCover® secure authenticator with ChipDNA™ technology, which provides immunity to invasive physical attacks because the cryptographic key does not exist in memory or any other static state. This cost-effective physical unclonable function (PUF) circuit instead relies on the naturally occurring random analog characteristics of fundamental MOSFET devices.
- MAX32560 running the DeepCover Security Framework, which protects payment terminals and internet of things (IoT) devices from both local and remote attacks, even if weaknesses are exploited in the communications stack, by enabling a trusted environment on an Arm® Cortex®-M open platform. The software framework achieves this level of protection by separating the software architecture into protected “boxes” or containers. In addition, the framework also eliminates the need for designers to re-certify variants of their products, saving substantially in certification costs. At TRUSTECH, this software security framework, which uses the Arm Mbed™ IoT Device Platform, will be demonstrated on a MAX32560 DeepCover secure Cortex-M flash microcontroller.
Maxim Integrated | www.maximintegrated.com