SEGGER has added support for Silicon Labs’ 8051 family of 8-bit microcontrollers (MCUs) to its industry-leading J-Link family of debug probes. This includes run

control as well as download into RAM and Flash of all supported devices.
J-Link is known for having the highest debug and download performance into RAM and flash memory on all supported targets. This is not different when it comes to debugging 8051 devices.
“We have had an outstanding experience with SEGGER supporting our EFM32® Gecko MCU family and are excited to see this support extended to our 8051-based MCUs,” said Lars Lydersen, Senior Director of Simplicity at Silicon Labs.
“We are excited to bring the proven reliability and outstanding performance of the J-Link line of debug probes to the 8051 development community. It shows that SEGGER can not only support 32-bit architectures like ARM, MIPS and RX cores, but also 8-bit architectures and still deliver the same benefits such as ease of use, high performance and direct download to flash memory,” says Alexander Gruener, Product Manager of the SEGGER J-Link family of debug probes.
More information on J-Link is available at: