Individual Support with the Very First Online Contact

by donpedro

Würth Elektronik now also answers inquiries by chat. — Image source: Würth Elektronik

Since October 2018, Würth Elektronik has made a chat function available to its website visitors. The new convenience function is activated in Australia, Germany, France, India, Austria, Spain, UK und USA Prospects can get direct and non-binding answers to their questions here.

In the test phase it was already apparent that the chat function is very well accepted. Further planning therefore includes the integration of additional countries such as Italy.

“Uncomplicated, direct access and fast, convenient and personal support is getting customers excited,” reports Jochen Baier, Head of Technical Marketing at Würth Elektronik eiSos. “Our company motto “more than you expect!” can be felt in the quality of the answers, because our Field Application Engineers and the experts from Product Management are there to assist the chat team to offer our visitors a solution even for more specialized topics. Those who wish to, can make use of our individual support with their first visit to our homepage, including our added values such as the dispatching of free samples and the small quantity service for prototypes and pre-series.”

Würth Elektronik eiSos |

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