Indium Corporation Announces Reflow Fundamentals Webinar

by donpedro

Indium Corporation’s Kim Flanagan, Technical Support Engineer, will host an InSIDER Series webinar on reflow fundamentals in two sessions on Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 9 a.m. Eastern Time (2 p.m. British Time) and Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 9 a.m. Eastern Time (2 p.m. British Time).

Soldering defects in SMT can arise from three main areas: the design, materials, and process. Identifying the root cause and troubleshooting defects can be timely and expensive. There can be many ways to resolve one solder issue and, oftentimes, the easiest and least expensive way to resolve one of these soldering defects is by adjusting the reflow process. However, in order to understand how to best optimize the reflow profile, it is crucial to understand the basics behind the solder materials. During the two sessions of Reflow 101 from a Solder Manufacturer’s Perspective, Flanagan, CSMTPE, will explain the materials science basics behind solder pastes, and how this knowledge can be used to optimize the reflow profile in order to resolve some common solder defects.

Indium Corporation’s InSIDER Series is a free program designed to deliver expert technical content, share industry knowledge, and promote professional growth using a virtual platform. Current and future webinars can be found at

Flanagan provides technical support and guidance on process steps, equipment, techniques, and materials to customers. In addition, she provides technical training to staff and industry partners. Flanagan began her career with Indium Corporation through the company’s summer college internship program, working in the Quality Department. She remained with Indium Corporation as a part-time Quality Engineering Technician while she finished her bachelor’s degree in physics at Le Moyne College in Syracuse. She joined the technical support team in January 2017.

To register for Flanagan’s webinar, visit The webinar link will be shared with registrants the day of the event. Registrants must use a company email account in order to avoid Indium Corporation’s spam filters. This is a first-come, first-served event.

Indium Corporation

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