IAR Embedded Workbench Selected by GainSpan as Primary Development Tool Chain for MCU Drivers and Next Generation Chip

by donpedro

IAR Systems® announced that GainSpan, the leader in low power Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi connectivity for the internet of things, has selected IAR Embedded Workbench® for its next generation Wi-Fi chip currently in development, and has standardized on IAR Systems tool chain as the primary deve­lopment tool in the development and integration of MCU drivers for their Wi-Fi chips and modules.
GainSpan offers a range of chip, modules, deve­lopment kits and software to enable developers to easily add Wi-Fi connectivity to embedded devices for healthcare and fitness, smart energy, home automation and industrial/ commercial control.
By standardizing on IAR Systems’ embedded software development tool chain, GainSpan will more easily support a wide range of MCUs to communicate with their modules.
Several drivers have already been developed using IAR Systems tool chain to support, Renesas’ RL78, RX62, V850,78K0/ 78K0R, and popular 8/16-bit and 32-bit ARM® based microcontrollers.
Traditionally, module vendors have had to manually write a myriad of drivers to support each MCU across multiple tool chains. The investment required to port and maintain dri­ver code in this way has restricted market reach by limiting the number of different customers and applications a vendor can support.

IAR Systems

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