Following on from the release of its VM800P development platforms, which facilitate more advanced human machine interface (HMI) implementation using its innovative Embedded Video

Engine (EVE) technology, FTDI Chip has introduced a series of accompanying daughter cards (or shields).
The Arduino-compatible VM800P ‘PLUS boards’ are based on the company’s award winning FT800 EVE graphic controller devices, in which display, audio and touch functionality are all integrated onto a single chip. The boards also incorporate an 8-bit ATMEGA microcontroller unit (MCU) and a TFT display (with 3.5”, 4.3” and 5.0” inch sizes available). The 6 new daughter cards will allow the expansion of the boards’ I/O capabilities in order that they can be implemented into a wider range of application scenarios. They use 1 or 2 Micro-MaTch miniature connectors to interface with a VM800P.
The VI800A_TTLU is a plug-in accessory for the PLUS boards which enables inclusion of a TTL level UART. This daughter card behaves as an SPI-to-UART bridging mechanism. It is complemented by the VI800A_RELAY, which effectively acts as an SPI-to-relay bridge for PLUS boards, with the SPI slave interface converted into a relay interface. The VI800A-ETH allows an external Ethernet interface to be connected and the VI800A_PoE enables Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) functionality to be benefitted from. The VI800A N485U behaves as a SPI-to-RS485 bridge with the VI800A_232U behaving as an SPI-to-RS232 bridge – thereby allowing interfacing with legacy equipment.