We all know how fast the world is moving, but at its heart are people like you and me, exchanging ideas and making things happen. That’s why I like to connect and talk with people – as many people as possible. Sure, I search the web when I need information, but connecting with people and solving problems together can yield pretty amazing results. What is it they say … ‘two heads are better than one.’ This couldn’t be any more accurate than when it comes to breakthrough innovations.
The idea for this blog came from the conversions that I’ve had with you, our Kinetis MCU fans, customers, general hobbyists and tinkers. What spoke loudest in these discussions is that you have a Kinetis MCU board, but sometimes feel alone in your design process! I was disappointed when I heard this feedback … we certainly never want you to feel alone when working with us and using our solutions.
At FTF 2015, we brought this idea to life with two very well attended panel lead sessions – Connect with Kinetis MCU Experts. The feedback was good, but I realized that we need to connect with even more people, which is why this idea will live on virtually through a series of blogs. The goal is to provide you with an avenue of useful information and a way to feel more connected to the Kinetis MCU team. I am really proud of what we do as a company and would like to share some ways to find useful information and help you feel like a part of the team.
So, let us get started with our first entry, a simple list of great ways to learn and get connected!
Just getting started?
I would recommend getting one of our more popular Freescale Freedom boards, the FRDM-K64F. Once you have your board, check out the online ‘Getting Started’ process. This webpage was hand crafted by our team of engineers to guide you through the critical first steps in writing your first application. We’ve even added some helpful links to make it easier for even the most senior Kinetis experts. I really think you will like this Getting Started page and find it helpful.

Where can I find training material?
It’s always great finding free training material. I personally l like to check the following places for content. The first few that come to mind include the Online Academy for on demand training, and the Video Vault which hosts a collection of videos posted by Freescale. My two personal favorites are the Freescale Technical Sessions library and the Freescale Technology Form (FTF) portal, where you’ll find all of the presentations from FTF to benefit you, even if you weren’t able to attend in person. It’s a great way to find training material prepared and presented by our best Freescale engineers.
Need more, check the community!
Hopefully you find most of what you need on the FRDM-K64F Getting Started page and through the training material, but you will likely have questions. When you get to this point, I would suggest reaching out to our technical team through the Kinetis MCU Community. It’s also worth mentioning a non-Freescale blog, MCU on Eclipse, which has a huge Kinetistechnology following and provides very useful information for all types of users. Check them out, you may find that others have similar issues and answers have already been provided. All questions welcome, just jump over and start participating!
Important documents and content
At this point, you will likely be pretty deep into your embedded development and will now need targeted information for specific topics that you encounter. For this challenge I would direct you to our Content Page within our Kinetis Community, and our Documentation site where you can easily search for application notes, data sheets, reference manuals, silicon errata and more.
Classroom training of interest to you?
If you have an interest in attend a training session, then there is always the Designing with Freescale (DwF) seminars. There are a bunch of different topics, locations and solutions that we can tailor for your specific needs. Check it out and let us know if you don’t see what you need.
Hands-on, professional support needed?
If you would prefer that a team of experts join you onsite to help with your next great design, the FreescaleBootstrappers are ready! We also offer Professional Engineering Services to help you focus on what you do best and let us provide you a custom solution designed to meet your need.
How do you share feedback? Post your comments on this blog and participate within our Kinetis MCU Community. We take your feedback seriously and want to make sure we are providing you with the necessary information. Hopefully you will find what you need, but you are the real judge, so please share your comments!
Also, don’t forget, for interesting content and future blogs, visit our Embedded Beat blog ■
Signing off for now …
Justin Mortimer, your Customer Advocate and Kinetis MCU Product Marketer.