LynuxWorks, Inc., the first and only embedded operating system vendor to receive Advisory Circular AC 20-148 approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for reusable software components (RSC), has received its second RSC approval for the LynxOS-178 product family.
LynxOS-178 addresses system developers’ need to meet FAA certification by providing a time, space and resource partitioned commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) operating system that fully satisfies the objectives of the DO-178B, level A and the ARINC 653 standard as well as full conformance with the IEEE POSIX Standard. Currently, any time a systems integrator or developer wants to integrate components of any other RTOS, or any previously certified DO-178B software in multiple hardware environments, each new hardware/software configuration or system must be recertified. In other words, integrators and developers cannot take full advantage of the software’s existing certification across other multiple platforms, but instead must go through the entire certification process for each new system they build.