CAN in Automation (CiA) GmbH has scheduled a CANopen seminar in Parma (IT) for the 1st of December 2010. Within the one-day seminar, the CiA trainer explains the basics of the CAN-based higher-layer protocol CANopen (EN 50325-4). The event will take place in the Villa Ducale Hotel. It is scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will be held in English language. The information provided in the Seminar will enable development engineers and system integrators to judge if CANopen is suitable for
their application. Attendees will receive a comprehensive insight into the technical opportunities of CANopen. Basic and additional CANopen functionality will be discussed (e.g. CANopen Manager, Layer Setting Services, CANopen Safety). The CiA trainer will also explain the CANopen device and application profiles that enable to manufacture devices with a high degree of “plug-and-play” capability. Wellspecified applications such as e.g. CANopen-to-CANopen-routers, TCP/IP-to-CANopengate ways and CANopen-to-AS-interface-gateways are discussed.
CAN in Automation has scheduled a CANopen seminar in Parma (IT)
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