TME offer includes Bluetooth modules from Rayson designed for wireless applications. The offer comprises BTM-112, BTM-222 and BTM-330 modules. They conform to the Bluetooth standard Ver. 2.0 + EDR (2 Mb/s and 3 Mb/s, their carrier frequency amounts to 2,402 … 2,480GHz and the operating voltage is 3.3V.
The BTM-112 and BTM-330 modules RX sensivity is -80 dBm and the module is a Max.4dBm (Class 2) module at 50W impedance. The modules provide communication over a distance of up to 10m.
The BTM-222 module features a receiver of -86dBm sensivity and a transmitter of 18dBm max. power (class 1), which allows for wireless communication over a distance of up to 100m.
Control of the modules depends on the implemented protocol. In BTM-112 and BTM-222 it is SPP (Serial Port Profile) with AT command sets. With their use it is possible to easily establish a wireless link substituting for a standard RS232 connection. AT command sets are not available in the BTM-330 module though, as the module utilizes the HCI protocol (Host/Controller Interface).
The control of the module is realized by the use of the USB or UART interfaces. Additionally, BTM-112 and BTM-222 modules provide the PCM interface for voice CODEC.
All modules are fitted for PCB mount.
Their dimensions equal: 25 × 14,5 × 2,2mm (BTM-112), 28,5 × 15 × 2,8mm (BTM-222) and 14 × 12 × 2,2mm (BTM-330). BTM-222 and BTM-330 modules meet the requirements of the RoHS Directive.
For more information:
Transfer Multisort Elektronik
93-350 Lodz, ul. Ustronna 41
Tel.: 042 645 54 44
Fax: 042 645 54 70