AIS-SART Processor IC – The Future of Marine Search and Rescue

by donpedro

CML Microcircuits, has announced the launch of the new cutting-edge Marine AIS Search and Rescue Transmitter (SART) processor, the CMX7045.
The CMX7045 is a highly integrated and flexible baseband processor fulfilling the needs of an AIS-SART and meeting IEC 61097-14 requirements. In addition to providing the core AIS-SART formatted data functionality, the CMX7045 incorporates a number of auxiliary operations that assist in the overall system implementation and therefore reduce component count and cost.
An AIS-SART is a self-contained radio transmitter that is deployed by a survival craft or distressed vessel to notify its position for the purpose of rescue. In a rescue situation the device repeatedly transmits its updated position reports using a standard Automatic Identification System (AIS). Position and time synchronization is derived from an onboard GNSS receiver (e.g. GPS). Every minute the unit transmits multiple position reports to maintain a high probability that at least one of the position reports is sent on the highest point of a wave, guiding rescue services accurately to its location.
The CMX7045 is a highly integrated and flexible device that employs a 9600 baud GMSK modem for the transmission of formatted AIS data. Additional auxiliary functions are also provided to further support the system host, these include: PA Ramp automation, ADC for battery monitoring, system PLL clocks and four DAC outputs for general purpose and visual indicator use.
Fully meeting the IEC 61097-14 AIS-SART standard, the CMX7045 is built on the foundation of CML’s success and expertise in the marine AIS market. The device is manufactured on CML’s FirmASIC technology and therefore provides outstanding performance, very low power operation and the fastest time-to-market for the designer.
Designed implementing the very latest AIS technology, the CMX7045 AIS SART processor provides exceptional operational performance and is engineered for total reliability. To further support its applications as a marine safety device, the CMX7045 offers low power sleep modes to ensure maximum safety-battery life and is available in a small 48pin VQFN/LQFP packages.

For a datasheet, application notes and product support information, visit CML: .

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