Panasonic’s PAN1740A BLE Module, Now at Mouser, Supports Voice Commands and Motion Recognition

by donpedro

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the industry’s leading New Product Introduction (NPI) distributor with the widest selection of semiconductors and electronic components, is now stocking the PAN1740A Series RF module from Panasonic. The device features a fully integrated baseband processor and radio transceivers for Bluetooth® 5.0 Low Energy connectivity. The compact module supports up to eight connections and features reduced boot time, providing a suitable solution for remote control units that demand support for motion and gesture recognition and voice commands.

The Panasonic PAN1740A module, available from Mouser Electronics, integrates an audio unit to provide a simple interface for external codecs over PCM/I²S, MEMS microphones over PDM, and a sample rate converter unit. Featuring a programmable Arm® Cortex®-M0 CPU, the versatile module can be used as a standalone application processor or as a data pump in hosted systems. The Panasonic PAN1740A draws just 4.9 mA in transmit or receive mode, allowing the use of coin cell batteries with no reduction of signal range or transmit power. The 9 mm × 9.5 mm × 1.8 mm module offers a link budget of 93 dBm (Rx sensitivity: -93  dBm, Tx sensitivity 0 dBm).

The PAN1740A transceiver is fully certified with the Bluetooth 5.0 standard as well as EU CE RED, FCC and IC. The module features dedicated hardware for the link layer implementation of Bluetooth Low Energy, and support custom profiles and all Bluetooth SIG profiles.

The PAN1740A module is supported by the PAN1740A evaluation kit. Comprised of two easy-to-use USB dongles, the PAN1740A evaluation kit has a USB-to-UART converter and allows hardware access to the module pins. It also provides a J-Link debug interface to evaluate custom firmware.

To learn more about the PAN1740A module from Panasonic, visit

Mouser Electronics

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