EP&Dee is offering its readers the chance to win a Microchip PICDEM PIC18 Explorer Board (DM183032).
The PICDEM PIC18 Explorer low-cost demo board is the main board you need to evaluate Microchips PIC18 MCU families. The PIC18 Explorer features a PIC18F8722 microcontroller, which is the superset of our traditional PIC18 general purpose 5V family.
The board also comes with the PIC18F87J11 processor PIM which is the superset of our PIC18 J-series of 3V MCUs for cost sensitive applications.
The single development board supports dozens of the general purpose PIC18 families using various processor Plug-In Modules (PIMs). PICtail daughter boards enable many different accessory boards to connect to the PIC18 Explorer board for a flexible and complete development environment.
This board is the ideal complement to the MPLAB® PICkit 3 or ICD 3 debugger and programmer for a full-featured, economical, PIC18 development environment.
For the chance to win a PICDEM PIC18 Explorer Board, log onto:
and enter your details into the online entry form.