Semtech WP76x Modules, Now at Mouser, Provide Reliable Cellular Connectivity for Public Safety Networks

by gabi

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the industry’s leading New Product Introduction (NPI) distributor with the widest selection of semiconductors and electronic components™, is now stocking the WP76x industrial cellular modules from Semtech (formerly Sierra Wireless). The WP76x modules allow Internet of Things (IoT) developers to build Linux-based products on a single module, reducing system complexity and time-to-market. The WP76x modules provide secure device-to-cloud architecture for industrial automation  police body cameras, video surveillance, and other low-bandwidth IoT applications that rely on real-time communication.

The Semtech WP76x modules feature an application processor that runs on Legato® open source software, enabling the security and scalability of IoT solutions. WP76xx  wireless modules are LTE CAT-4 and CAT-1 capable, supporting high-quality voice communication through VoLTE and reliable, high-speed data transfer. The WP76x modules also include a cellular modem with an ultra-power domain, while an optional GNSS receiver provides accurate location data for applications such as emergency response and telematics. The modules’ Common Form Factor (CF3®) design facilitates migration between technologies, adaptation for global markets, and future-proofing of product platforms. In addition, a varied set of Edge and Cloud APIs allow for flexible development and simple integration with different Cloud service providers. Firmware-over-the-air (FOTA) upgrades are available for ongoing performance and security.

To learn more about the WP76x industrial cellular modules, visit

Mouser Electronics

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