Rutronik announces new WiseMote™ Wi-Fi devices from Redpine Signals for RTLS and sensor network applications operating in 2.4 and 5GHz bands, providing enterprise security and improved battery life.
The WiseMote™ WM1-20 (2.4GHz) and WM1-50 (2.4/5GHz) 802.11n from Redpine Signals work with any third-party hardware and software RTLS infrastructure. Their advanced features include enterprise security and single stream 802.11n, therefore making them ideal for deployment in enterprise environments. Operation in the 5GHz band provides for close adherence to designed battery life compared to crowded 2.4 GHz channels.
The devices can be programmed to operate in a variety of modes, supporting multiple location tracking and update mechanisms. In Cisco Compatible Extensions (CCX) mode, they offer Cisco CCX compliant beaconing with configurable patterns, telemetry and alarm notifications. In Wi-Fi associated mode, they periodically connect to access points, communicating sensor and channel data to a server. In other beaconing modes, the devices support standard Wi-Fi clients with simple tag identification software to locate and identify assets.