A constant concern of ARIES is the IT&C companies’ promotion by participating at international fairs and facilitating this opportunity to establish new business relations with potential clients and partners.
Nine Romanian companies will represent Romania for the first time as national presence at EMBEDDED WORLD 2011, the most important international trade fair of embedded profile, which will be held during the 1-3 March 2011 in Nuremberg, Germany.
The fair is specialized in the following hardware areas, software, innovative embedded technologies.
The nine companies participating this year’s at Embedded World are: AROBS Transylvania, Brusch, Enea Services, Gotrack Technology, Pentalog, SamWay, SVT Electronic, Systronics, Transilvania Software active in software applications, microelectronics, assembly of modules and electronic equipment, materials and components for coatings in microelectronics, electronics packaging.
Romanian companies, exhibitors with tradition or new exhibitors proposes to confirm the increase the Romanian export despite global and local economic context.
The national stand is housed in “Hardware, Distribution, Services” section of the fair, Hall 9, Stand 9-937.
The first participation of Romanian companies at Embedded World 2011 is a part of export promotion program developed by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment, Romanian Center for Trade and Investment and is coordinated by ARIES- Romanian Association for Electronic and Software Industry-Timisoara Branch.
For more information about other fairs and missions of IT & C profile, coodina?ted by ARIES during 2011-2012, do not hesitate to contact us:
Codruta Nicolescu, ARIES-TM,
Executive Director
phone.+ 0741163700
or you can visit us directly on our web site www.aries-tm.ro
AROBS Transilvania Software
AROBS Transilvania Software is a Romanian – Finnish software house with over 12 years of experience in offshore / nearshore software outsourcing and custom software development. We have developed web applications, client/server solutions (medical, economic), applications for automations and household appliances, data acquisition, monitoring and control, travel agency automation, mobile solutions for the Apple, Symbian, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7, and Android platforms, back-end systems for businesses, management information systems, e-Commerce applications, solutions for sales force automation (retail), e-Learning, GPS-based car fleet tracking. In the area of embedded applications, one of the customers that can recommend us is Wachendorff which has specialized in the design & development of operator panels, suitable for mobile machines.
BRUSCH contribute to outcome-oriented, rapid and cost efficient realization of IT projects. Optimized project development – at the client’s headquarters or remotely from Romania – allows clients to make significant cost savings. Regardless whether you look to implement individual projects, need support for specific or a variety of tasks, the geographical, cultural and linguistic proximity of our staff puts us into a position of reacting flexibly to your requests within the legal framework and to provide cost efficient solutions.
Enea Romania is part of Enea AB, a world leader in embedded systems and advanced technical systems development and supplies carrier grade platform software and professional engineering services to the global telecommunications industry, with approximately 50% market share of the world’s new mobile phones and base stations.
A review of the embedded applications that Enea Services Romania develops would present the following: RTOS development and porting, device drivers development/ integration, support for multi-processor environments, multimedia platforms (audio & video), embedded debugging & development tools, advanced electronics and firmware development, wireless and telecommunications protocol stacks, DSPs, BSPs and advanced electronics, mobile devices – from telephones to PDAs, access control and biometrics etc.
The Pentalog Group is a leading provider for offshore / nearshore software development in Europe. With its subsidiaries in France, Germany, Romania, Moldavia and Vietnam Pentalog Group offers the perfect mix between nearshore and offshore services combined with local expertise in Western Europe. A good working Quality Assurance System, professional Project Management as well as a long lasting experience in outsourcing guarantee optimized efficiency and reliability for your outsourced software development.
Systronics offers a full range of Electronic Engineering and Manufacturing Services.
It provides a wide range of electronic manufacturing services in mixed technology. This includes new product introduction and customer service management over the complete product lifecycle. Test and quality management: in-circuit test, functional test, combined in-circuit and functional test, PXI test, burn-in and high voltage test.
CANGO is specialized in CANbus and vehicle data signals and develops and produces products and solutions for CANbus and vehicle data processing. We have a vast experience in automotive applications and knowhow in interpretation of vehicle signals. Our portfolio is used in automotive, telematics, industrial and off-road.
Samway is an expert in providing IPMI based solutions for MTCA, ATCA, CPCI, VPX architectures. We are offering MCHs, PDMs, AMC load boards for MTCA and customizable IPMI controllers for your boards, delivered on pre-programmed microcontrollers.
FTP 200 Fingerprint reader terminal, with proxy card reader and ethernet interface.
IReNe – Industrial 4-20mA signal, wireless transmission system.
TachoSafe – Digital Tachograph download tool.