Lattice Semiconductor Corporation announced its third-generation mixed-signal devices, the Platform Manager™ family. The programmable Platform Manager devices are expected to simplify board management design significantly by integrating programmable analog and logic to support many common functions, such as power management, digital housekeeping and glue logic. By integrating these support functions, Platform Manager devices can not only reduce the cost of these functions compared to traditional approaches, but also can improve system reliability and provide a high degree of design flexibility that minimizes the risk of circuit board re-spins. Platform Manager devices are expected to be used in a broad range of applications where the complexity of the board management functions can benefit from the integrated capabilities that they provide. Typical applications are expected to include wireless infrastructure, networking core equipment, server, data storage and high-end industrial instrumentation.
The Platform Manager product family consists of two devices, the LPTM10-1247 and LPTM10-12107.
The LPTM10-1247 device can monitor 12 voltage rails and supports 47 digital I/O, while the LPTM10-12107 monitors up to 12 voltage rails and supports 107 digital I/O.