A sustainable and cost-efficient solution to replace etching processes
Automotive/TransportationEquipmentIndustriesInnovationLabMedicalProducersSMTSoldering pastes & materials
InnovationLab and Heidelberger showcase printed sensors at LOPEC
by donpedroCollaboration enables high volume, cost-effective, organic and printed sensors
Automotive/TransportationIndustriesInnovationLabPower devicesPower suppliesProducers
InnovationLab’s battery management solution BaMoS uses printed sensors to capture cell-level data and extend EV range
by donpedroAccurate temperature and pressure data gives new insight into battery behavior and performance for electric …
InnovationLab shows automotive printed electronics at CES
by donpedroSensors for battery monitoring and RECARO car seat improve safety, comfort and EV range
DesignEmbedded softwareEmbedded SystemsIndustrialIndustriesInnovationLabProducersProductsSensorsWireless
InnovationLab announces a powerful software package for its printed sensors
by donpedroSensorMatrixLAB simplifies design, configuration and use