PocketBeagle® Development Board Available Now through Digi-Key

by donpedro

BeagleBoard.org®’s PocketBeagle® development board is now available worldwide from Digi-Key Electronics, a full-service global distributor of electronic components.

PocketBeagle® is an ultra-tiny-yet-complete open-source USB-key-fob computer. PocketBeagle® features an incredible low-cost slick design and simple usage, making it the ideal development board for beginners and professionals alike.

PocketBeagle® is based on the new Octavo Systems OSD3358-SM 21mm × 21mm system-in-package (SIP) that includes 512MB DDR3 RAM, 1-GHz ARM Cortex-A8 CPU, 2x 200-MHz PRUs, ARM Cortex-M3, 3D accelerator, power/battery management and EEPROM. The ability to purchase the Octavo SIP independently offers flexibility to expand your BeagleBoard.org® BeagleBone® design into any custom application without the need tackle complex design hurtles such as the DDR3 memory, allowing for rapid development to production.


  • Low-cost Linux computer with tremendous expansibility
  • Opportunity to learn many programming aspects from educators online
  • Openness and flexibility: tear down limits on your imagination
  • 72 expansion pin headers with power and battery I/Os
  • 8 analog inputs
  • 44 digital I/Os and numerous digital interface peripherals
  • microUSB host/client and microSD connectors

Software Compatibility:

  • Debian GNU/Linux images customized for BeagleBone®
  • Cloud9 IDE on Node.js w/ BoneScript library
  • Any BeagleBone Black software not needing access to unavailable expansion pins

For more information about the PocketBeagle®, please visit the Digi-Key website ( https://www.digikey.com/en/product-highlight/b/beagleboard/pocketbeagle-board?WT.mc_id=PressRelease ).

Digi-Key Electronics

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