Percepio Delivers Tracealyzer for IntervalZero RTX64

by donpedro

PERPR001-Tracealyzer_for_RTX64_leading_embedded_software_tracing_tool_SPercepio AB, the Swedish developer of RTOS visualization tools, today announced the delivery of Tracealyzer for RTX64 to IntervalZero, makers of RTX64, the leading Windows-based real-time operating system.

Percepio has been working in conjunction with IntervalZero since January 2016 to port and integrate Tracealyzer into the RTX64 SDK.

Tracealyzer for IntervalZero RTX64 has been successfully integrated into RTX64 SDK and includes the full professional suite of Percepio Tracealyzer visualizations and analyses. The leading embedded software tracing tool will be provided free of charge for IntervalZero customers.

According to Percepio founder, and CEO Dr. Johan Kraft, “The cooperation with IntervalZero has been both productive and rewarding – we’re keen to get Tracealyzer into the hands of RTX64 SDK users“.

Making sense of the abundance of system behavior data is not only market critical, to be done quickly and cost effectively, but also in a manner that is easily consumable and decipherable,” said Dipesh Mukerji VP Marketing and Strategy at IntervalZero. “Tracealyzer leveraging the real-time deterministic functions of IntervalZero’s RTX64 delivers on this promise by enabling software developers to identify and understand system behavior effectively and proficiently in order to ultimately deliver the highest caliber software.”

Percepio’s market-leading visualization offers 25+ views, which are cleverly interconnected to allow viewing the trace from multiple perspectives, including CPU usage, memory allocation, task synchronization and communication, in parallel with custom application logging.

Percepio AB


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