As an authorised distributor, Mouser Electronics, Inc. is focused on the rapid introduction of new products and technologies, giving customers an edge and helping speed time to market. Over 1,100 semiconductor and electronic component manufacturer brands count on Mouser to help them introduce their products into the global marketplace. Mouser’s customers can expect 100% certified, genuine products that are fully traceable from each manufacturer.

In 2020, Mouser launched more than 4,915 new products ready for same-day shipment.

“As the industry’s NPI leader, Mouser continues to focus on launching and stocking the newest products and technologies from our manufacturer partners,” said Jeff Newell, Senior Vice President of Products at Mouser Electronics. “This emphasis on new products helps give engineers and buyers a competitive edge and may avoid design delays caused by obsolete parts. Our goal is to help our customers get their designs to market fast.”

Some of the 355 products introduced by Mouser last month include:

To see more of the New Product Insider highlights, go to

Mouser Electronics

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