Open-Source Integrated Development Environment Wins Design Tools and Development Software Award
Microchip Technology Inc., a leading provider of microcontroller, analog and Flash-IP solutions, announced that its MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) has won the prestigious 2011 Elektra Award in the Design Tools and Development Software Award category.
MPLAB X is the industry’s only IDE that combines industry-leading productivity features with seamless migration through an entire product range. In making this award the Elektra judges commented; “Microchip has successfully adopted an open source software approach for its MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment which supports the complete product range of microcontrollers, digital signal controllers and memory devices in a single, multi-project environment”
“Since the introduction of MPLAB X customers around the world have experienced as much as a 20% increase in productivity as its full benefits are harnessed and explored” adds Steve Sanghi, Microchip president and CEO. “I would personally like to thank all those involved in developing this best-in-class design environment for embedded development and the Elektra judges for presenting Microchip with another major international award.”
MPLAB X IDE includes a feature-rich editor, source-level debugger, project manager, software simulator, and supports Microchip’s popular hardware tools, such as the MPLAB ICD 3 in-circuit debugger, PICkit™ 3, and MPLAB PM3 programmer. Based on the open-source NetBeans platform, MPLAB X runs on Windows® OS, MAC® OS and Linux, supports many third-party tools, and is compatible with many NetBeans plug-ins.
For additional information, contact any Microchip sales representative or authorized worldwide distributor, or visit Microchip’s Web site at http://www.microchip.com/mplabx.
Microchip Technology