Microchip introduces world’s first H.264 video I/O companions optimised for MOST® high-speed automotive infotainment and ADAS networks

by donpedro

Microchip announces the world’s first H.264 video I/O companion Integrated Circuits (ICs) optimised for the proven and robust Media Oriented Systems Transport

(MOST®) high-speed automotive infotainment and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) network technology. The OS85621 and OS85623 devices expand Microchip’s existing family of MOST I/O companions with a cost-effective video codec solution.
According to global information company IHS Technology, the automotive display market will grow exponentially over the next six years. Driver Information Displays (DIDs) are one of the fastest growing segments, with an expected increase from 30.8 million units in 2014 to 102.8 million in 2020. Driven by safety requirements, the camera market in motor vehicles is also projected to explode. These predictions reflect the increasing demand for video content in all car classes.
Featuring a low-latency, high-quality H.264 codec and an on-chip Digital Transmission Content Protection (DTCP) coprocessor, the OS85621 enables automotive designers to implement a comprehensive content-protected video transmission solution within days. Video streams with restricted access from devices such as DIDs, digital media drives and TV tuners can now be easily transmitted as encrypted H.264 over a MOST network, satisfying today’s market demand for high-quality audio and video within the automotive environment.
The OS85621’s on-chip DTCP coprocessor supports hardware acceleration of the computation-intensive operations required for DTCP authentication and content protection. Up to eight independent data streams can be simultaneously routed through the DTCP coprocessor’s cypher engine for M6 or AES-128 encryption/decryption.

The ultra-low-latency mode of the H.264 codec enables single-digit millisecond latency from video input to video output, including encoding, transmission over a MOST network and decoding. This real-time, high-speed video processing makes the OS85623, with no DTCP coprocessor, ideal for camera-based ADAS applications that are designed to enhance vehicle safety.

Microchip Technology

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