Launched at Embedded World 2014, IQD’s new IQMT-100 series Microcomputer Compensated Crystal Oscillator (MCXO) offers customers OCXO performance in a standard clock oscillator

sized package. The design enables a frequency stability of ±50ppb (parts per billion) over the full industrial operating temperature range of –40 to 85°C whilst maintaining an extremely good typical short term stability of 2E-10/s. The IQMT-100 is housed in an industry standard sized ceramic package measuring just 7 x 5mm with both 8 and 10 pad options available over a frequency range from 10 to 50MHz. A wide range of standard frequencies have already been developed including 10, 12.8, 16.320,16.3840, 19.2, 19.44, 20.0, 25.0, 26.0, 30.720 and 50MHz. Output compatibility can be specified as either Clipped Sine or HCMOS with 15pF load along with 3.0, 3.3 and 5.0V supply voltages. A voltage control option is available to control the frequency pulling to compensate for crystal ageing and varying circuit conditions with choices of either ±5ppm to ±10ppm or ±10ppm to ±15ppm. Ageing per day is 20ppb although 10ppb can be offered for some specification combinations. Similarly standard ageing over one year is 1ppm although 0.5ppm can be offered for certain frequencies. Typical phase noise performance is -145dBC/Hz @ 100kHz.