Industry Survey 2020: ASM publishes results

by donpedro

The results of ASM’s global survey of almost 450 electronics manufacturers regarding the Covid-10 crisis and ways to become more resilient are available at no charge. — Source: ASM

ASM surveyed roughly 450 companies from mid-September through early October on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic for businesses and the ways in which electronics manufacturers all over the world are planning to respond to the crisis over the short to medium term. The results of the ASMPT Industry Survey 2020 with all essential findings and many charts are available for downloading.

Although other industries have been hit much harder by the pandemic, electronics factories around the world are facing great challenges. Accordingly, 55 percent of the companies surveyed registered a negative impact on their production, and 42 percent reported concrete declines in productivity.

The pandemic is accelerating major trends such as automation and the digital transformation. Three of four companies (four of five in China!) are planning to make their production processes more flexible and crisis-proof by increasing their level of automation. — Source: ASM

One lesson from the pandemic: Become more resilient

Asked about their intermediate-term plans, companies stated that they are beginning to make their manufacturing operations more resilient. To be more crisis-proof in the future, 75 percent of the respondents are banking on more automation. Two of three companies plan to advance the digital transformation of their production and business processes. They also want to invest more heavily into the use of remote services. Another interesting finding: one-third of the surveyed electronics manufacturers plan to assess the Covid-19 preventative measures of their suppliers and technology partners.

More than just videoconferencing: the majority of the companies surveyed demands from their suppliers to provide more online services in the future, also for training and support. — Source: ASM

Suppliers are expected to have online and remote skills

As far as communication and services are concerned, electronics manufacturers expect more than just videoconferencing capabilities from their suppliers and partners. The majority of respondents sees a need for online training and powerful remote services in order to receive more efficient support and be better prepared for future crises.

Only one-fifth of the companies surveyed will receive visitors to the extent they did before the crisis. This means that partners and suppliers must enhance their communication capabilities. Staying close to the customer requires new solutions. — Source: ASM

The survey results in detail

The results of the study have been compiled in our “Industry Survey Report – Learning from Covid-19”. Interested parties can download this report at no charge via the following link:

ASM Pacific Technology

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