IAR Systems announces a new kit for STMicroelectronics’ ARM Cortex-M3 based STM32L family with all necessary hardware and software for evaluation and prototyping included. IAR KickStart Kit for STM32L includes an evaluation board featuring an STM32L152VB microcontroller, LCD and other peripherals, an IAR J-Link Lite debug probe providing JTAG and SWD connections to the board, and a CD with software tools, example projects, and board support packages for different RTOSes.
The STM32L family is designed for low-power applications. When the board is connected to via an IAR J-Link Ultra debug probe (sold separately), IAR Systems’ innovative power debugging technology will be enabled. Power debugging allows users to tune and optimize software applications to control the hardware in a fashion that consumes a minimum of power. IAR KickStart Kit for STM32L is in stock and available in IAR Systems e-shop: www.iar.com/eshop .
It is priced at EUR 139/USD 199. The part number is KSK-STM32l152VB.
More information is available at www.iar.com/kits.
IAR Systems